Nidhi P. Oklahoma

The High Cost of College

College costs are too expensive.

Dear Next President,

The Future of our country is on our youth, the children, the teenagers, but the future that's heading to us now is on college students. There are students who are struggling to pay for their tuition, fees, and even for a dorm or house. According to research, public college can cost $1,673 for one year, and if you are from out of state it will cost $5,739 for one year, and community college costs $1,000 - $2,000 a year.

Many students just don't take tuition because it costs that much. The problem is that the cost of college is too high for students in the United States. The cost of higher education must be addressed for students all over the United States struggling with the high cost during and after college. 

College is so  expensive that low-income people can't effort that much money. In America, according to reports, approximately two- thirds of all college students graduate with students loan debt. Students value college as a life milestone and as a path to a fulfilling career, however the cost of college is increasingly seen as a major challenge. It is 400% more expensive to go college today than it was 30- years ago in the United States. Parents are saying that college tuition and fees climbed as much or more than the inflation rate. 

Scholarships are very unlikely to cover the total cost, but students who manage to obtain one successfully still have to work to earn their living. According to research, "the student loan market of today has many similarities with the mortgage loan market of the mid-2000. 80% of student loans are federally guaranteed".  Are students borrowing too much?

As a president you should support decreasing the price of the college or, they should receive grants from the government because when they are going to start their careers they will have trouble. I've met a girl from college and she told me that she can;t go to the college because she and her parents can't afford to pay for college and after 3 years she still has college debt.  So, she went to college and she wasted three years of her life just because the college is TOO EXPENSIVE. I hope you as president will find some ways to reduce the cost of college.

