Israel Georgia


There are many forms of censorship, but I believe the biggest problem is government censorship. This type of censorship deprives the public of information related to political and social problems. It's a form of lying to Americans.

Dear Future President,

In the United States, there are many problems; censorship is one of them. The divide on censorship comes from people who are afraid that if censorship is removed they won't be able to protect the naive and young from harmful things that could potentially affect brain development. Another reason people would want censorship to stay is they believe that if things like domestic violence aren't censored then people will begin to accept such actions and begin to imitate those types of actions.

There are many forms of censorship but I believe the biggest problem is government censorship. Government censorship is a major problem because for one it affects other problems in the U.S, for example poverty. Due to the fact of censorship deprives the public of information related to political and social problems. An example of this is the current presidential election on both sides there are many things that were hidden or censored from the public for a while to protect the reputation and or image of the candidates. This act of censorship is like lying to the public because all the facts aren't there, so voters wouldn't really know who they would be voting for.

Another reason is that it can be easily abused. The government can abuse this power to make a situation look opposite of what it is. Another example of this is when we would be at war, the news would be prohibited from covering certain stories, like in Libya. This again could push the public's mind to a false truth because certain facts or ideas are being censored, and those censored facts could potentially be the breaking point from one decision or the other.

In conclusion, we should start progressing to removing censorship. With censorship still here, it is potentially harmful to the public due to false images being painted in the minds of the public and major facts being held that could be crucial the mind of a person to make a decision on something major like immigration.  But without all the facts there, we won't be able to make a sensible and logical decision. In the end, the choice is yours: will you continue to keep the public in the dark, hiding information from them, or will you give us all the information the help us make logical decision so we can really start to solve the problems in America and truly make my country, our country, great?


Israel V

Creekland Middle School

Ms. Boyle's Class

Ms. Boyle's Class

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