Justin California

Police brutality is a serious issue

Police brutality is wrong and it should be ended

Letter to Future President

Dear future president,

In recent years, I have noticed that brutality is a problem that is becoming more and more common. I’ve also noticed and realized that the brutality is not something that randomly happens to people. It almost seems as if the brutality is targeted towards african-americans. In the past year alone more than 100 african-americans have died at the hands of police; The same men and women that are supposed to be protecting us. And this problem that victimizes innocent people, doesn't seem to be dying anytime soon,

Here in my community (Highland Park, Los Angeles), police brutality never seemed like a problem and it still doesn't but on the other hand police brutality has plagued and has stuck people in surrounding neighborhoods like downtown and pasadena. Just recently in pasadena a man was tasered by police which caused him to die and in downtown earlier this year a innocent homeless man was shot and killed by police . Ant these two instances/ situations might just be the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this situation.

Please do something about it



Franklin High School, Los Angeles, CA

U.S. History Period 2

Students will write letters to the next president about issues that affect themselves and their communities.

All letters from this group →