Xochilt California

Stop tearing families apart through deportation

On my research I found out that Obama’s Government has deported more than 2.5 million up to 23% from the George W. Bush years according the government data. 11 million of immigrants who stay out of trouble have 1% of chance to not get deported. Today I am writing to you with a concern of deportation with Immigrants.

Dear President,

On my research I found out that Obama’s Government has deported more than 2.5 million up to 23% from the George W. Bush years according the government data. 11 million of immigrants who stay out of trouble have 1% of chance to not get deported. Today I am writing to you with a concern of deportation with Immigrants.

I was born In Garden Grove, CA. I am 16 years old, I come from a family of six, I have 2 older sisters one is 23 and the other one is 18. They were both born in Mexico and my youngest brother is 8 and he was born in the United States. My parents have been in the United States since 1996. These past years my family have been struggling. My parents have been living in the United States about to 22- 23 years, both as illegal immigrants but hard working parents. The man of the house ”my father” has made mistakes in the past. He was not a U.S citizen, so he was then deported back to his Country in San Andrés Ixtlán, Jalisco, Mexico. Approximately in 2010 somewhere around that time my father had court, but he decided not to attend. He was scared of getting deported and having to leave his family. The judge then issued a warrant for him.

I remember the day my dad got arrested, it was unexpected too the whole family. Me and my siblings went to school and when we came back from school my mother told us my dad was gone. I felt very terrified, unprotected and scared thinking about what was going to happen to us next with my mom and my siblings. We struggled a lot with my mother, because she was the only one working for all four of us. We moved out of our apartment because my mom couldn’t afford to pay all the bills from the house by herself because my dad was in charge of paying all the bills and expenses in the house in order for him to raise his family.We then had to rent a room with my dad’s sister for a while. While living at my aunt's house my mom was saving money to hire a coyote for my father. We would get phone calls from the coyotes. They will tell my mom that my dad had crossed the border but he never did because they didn’t want to show proof that he crossed it. I knew my dad was lost somewhere in Tijuana it was really heartbreaking because we couldn’t contact him to see where he was so we can send him money so can eat. Now my dad tell us how terrifying it is to cross over here and his stories are just unbelievable to me. Months passed and passed. Then we had to move out again because of some family problems. It was around 2011 when we moved out of my aunt's house. I remember we were waiting in the park with our car loaded with are things waiting for the phone to ring because we were pending on a room from some other family that was going to rent us a room. Both of my parents have relatives the same place where we were looking for a place to stay for awhile. Just sad to see how my mother’s sisters turned their back on her when she didn’t have nowhere to go. We didn't even know if they were going to say yes or no for the room they were going to rent us. Hours passed we thought they weren't going to call us but they end up calling us and telling us that we were approved to move in for a while. I thought it was a miracle because if they had never called us we wouldn’t have nowhere to go it was just so frustrated for everyone of us. For the mean time we stayed in a small room that they rented us until my mom saved up to get ourselves an apartment. My mother was very strong when my dad was gone and still to this day she's strong to whatever faces her. Then are mother then found an apartment for us. It was a 2 bedroom we all stayed in a room and we rented another room to help my mom with the rent.

I believe it was around somewhere 2012. One night around 10:00pm we got a call from a coyote had crossed the border. He crossed by swimming in river. Then he called us and told us he crossed it. I was jumping with excitement know that life was going to be much easier with us. President I write this letter because I feel everyone deserves a second chance. The word needs to come out that deportations and immigration are separating families apart.