Renee R. Michigan

A Warm Welcome

Welcome to the White House! There is a lot for you to do, and I am certain that your agenda is set. However, in order to make your outstanding presidency even more successful, I encourage you to listen, consider, and respond with an open mind and heart as you fulfill your duties to the people of the United States of America.

Dear Future President,

Welcome to the White House. Although it has been an eventful few months, I am excited that you are here. I hope that you are just as eager as I, for there is a lot for you to do. You must have a list at least a mile long describing tasks to complete, reforms to make, and topics to discuss sitting next to this little letter. So, before you turn away to check another item off your list, I encourage you to listen, consider, and respond. I encourage you to fulfill each of your duties with an open mind and heart.

There is a lot for you to do, and it will seem like there is a lot preventing you from travelling down the path to success. You will not let roadblocks stand in your way, but I advise you not to plow over your obstacles, turn them into a pile of rubble, or simply drive around them all together, but to find out what your obstructions are made of. Hiding behind the concrete is an idea, a cause, a people. They are waiting to be listened to. Hearing them is your responsibility, so do it with compassion. Few will approach you knowing what they are asking of you, do not dismiss their ignorance. Listen with your expansive heart, not your rigid agenda. The mere act of listening ―of showing interest― is what the majority will ask of you.

You, however, are the President of the minority. You have the ability to recognize that political opinions are the fruits of experience, that hatred is the flower of passion. These sour fruits and thorny flowers are gifts, so accept them graciously. Accepting donations is a courteous act, using donations is a gracious act. Use these gifts as you would a map, they will navigate you through your presidency. It is important to consider that you will be guided towards an unexpected path. An unexpected path is simply this, it is not wrong, it is merely an alternate route to success. You will find that the agenda you carried into your office is no longer adept for your journey, it is acceptable ―perhaps ideal― to leave it behind. Your objectivity has efficiently considered the demands of your nation, rely on your restored insight to move forward.

I am not going to tell you how to do your job. If you disregard this letter, if you fail to listen, if your hours of consideration are short, your nation will miserably understand. Yet, it is imperative that you respond. Why would you ignore our causes and pleas? Why would you deem our circumstance unworthy of your power? Why would you close your open heart and mind to the ideas of your people? We deserve your reply. Your ability to transform a nation is dependent on your ability to allow the nation to transform you. Take notice of the way your heart trembles in the wake of tragedy. Scrutinize each assumption until it is undoubtedly true. Be brave when you return to your people. They are excited that you are here.

“Speak what you think today in hard words and tomorrow speak what tomorrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said today.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Welcome to the White House,

Renee Rogowski