Campbell, Andrew Utah

End Patisianship

Letter about leadership

To whom it may concern,

What was your motivation for becoming president? Are you infatuated with the power that the President of the United States holds? Do you have an ulterior agenda that benefits you and your associates? Or, have you observed the numerous problems facing this country and the rest of the world? Do you believe you have the required skills of deception, manipulation, charisma and perseverance to effectively change the world for the better (better as in helping the greatest number of people while doing the least amount of harm)? I hope that is your motivation for being President. You want to change the United States, and maybe, the entire world for the better. Implementing such change is not an easy or simply process. You are, in a sense, a puppet of the people that secure your power, whether it be voters, soldiers, or corporations, you are bound to them. This is the crux of leadership. The CEO of the United States cannot help or benefit the stake holders if the shareholders disagree. Your party, the military, corporations, and lobbyists are the shareholders, while “We the People” are the stake holders forced to pay for failures of the boys upstairs. Do you remember 2008? I sure do, government saved the banks and the wealthy, while we were stuck paying the bailout. Saving the banks was the right decision, but government stopped there when they should’ve continued. Median salaries are dropping along with standard of living. If government keeps this up, two roads appear: the proletarian revolution, or totalitarianism. Which do you prefer?

Who knows, maybe you are really concerned with helping the greatest number of people. If this is your motivation forget the pay check and the partisanship. If you want to make the world better forget about yourself. If you think with self-interest while in office, resign. There are many young people who would give up their lives to be in a situation where they can change the world for the better. Yes, this is idealistic, but without ideals and ideologies, we have no guides for pragmatism. Don’t think for a second that you deserve the respect or power you are given. You can have that respect when you have made real impactful change. You have a very difficult job, there is nothing easy about it, but get beyond your party’s and your lobbyist’s ideology. Lie, deceive, manipulate, or whatever it takes to help the greatest number of people. Make sure that your ideal or ideology legitimately benefits the greatest number of people, and be pragmatic about enacting it.

If you find that my statements hold validity, you are probably thinking “I know. I can only make one small step at time…” If you found no validity then stop reading and continue your ways of indifference. I have an advantage on you, I’m 17. I lack experience. Ironically this is beneficial because I will adhere to my beliefs with steadfast dedication. If only you could find that youthful ideology and passion. If it was coupled with your experience, I have no doubt you could better this country, and maybe more. You’re probably aware that if you are successful you will not be revered, or admired, you will be condemned. But, if you can’t accept this leave your office to someone more dedicated. To clarify, I am not criticizing you as an individual, unless you are aware that another individual could be more effective than yourself and you still grasp on to your power, then I am. I’m trying to remind you of the youthful spirit that you once had. A life is wasted when it has the capacity to help others, but chooses not to. Don’t waste yours.


Andrew Campbell