Montana K Minnesota

Foster Love or Foster Fraud?

Kids who are taken advantage of in charity foster homes just for money needs to be taken seriously. To ruin a child's life for yourself is something nobody should ever do.

Dear Future President, 

Foster families are given children that the government places in their homes which can be for many reasons. But these foster families can be non-profit charities. These families only focus on getting kids in a home and not how safe they really are for the children. Each time they put a kid in a home they get paid so they focus on that and not the actual purpose of a permanent home.The problem got so bad that in 2006, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a law requiring credit checks for kids in state care when they turn 16. But it had no enforcement mechanism, and overburdened caseworkers had more urgent concerns than credit. (Foster Cub). Kids all over the united states have this problem. They have their true identity taken away and aren’t properly cared for. They need a foster family who will find them a loving forever home. I believe that foster fraud needs to be stopped. This is because kids shouldn’t have to just be thrown into a unsafe or sanitary home just so the foster family gets money. I’ve been in the system and it can be so scary and when you're thrown around it’s even more scary and makes your life more tragic.

Foster fraud needs to be put to a stop. It’s so unnecessary and disrespectful to the kids it happens to.Kids who are just thrown into a home are way more likely to get abused, do drugs, be forced into unwanted sex and can end up on the streets. 

Why does it matter? Well it matters because growing up you should be able to learn right and wrong. You should learn how a loving and wanting family feels like. Most of all you should have the freedom to be a kid. It takes away kids freedom, happiness, and who they really are inside.

It matters because so many kids struggle to believe in themselves and to see that their worth it. Nobody should have the feeling like they don’t belong in this world. Everyone is here for a reason. (Disabilities world). In a world where everything could be broken to this one kid, a loving family could mean everything to them. We have this and we know how much family and special memories mean to us, so let’s give it to others.

The foster families definitely could benefit from extra money however it's not right to take children’s identity away.While there are many dedicated people willing to open their homes and hearts to children in distress, it can not be denied that financial gain is among a number of significant incentives leading some to become foster parents.As the number of licensed foster homes has dropped to a low of 100,000 for the nations' estimated 500,000 foster care children, so has the quality of foster care homes unquestionably diminished over the years. (liftingtheveil)  Foster homes can be super supportive and safe and can teach a lot about life. But in order to have that they need to be ready to understand the kids they have going through their system.

You may ask how can I fix this? Well you could start by making no more charity foster homes. Kids should only go to safe and licensed homes. No Poverty is the global goal is connects to and it is one of the most important goals out there. It would support the UN because so many more kids would have a home and their would be less poverty and that means less people dying due to being homeless.This is a priority for next president because think about it, you wouldn't want to be thrown around. Nobody wants to feel alone, sad, or worthless. So we can stop it and i know it would make a huge difference to the children in those shoes. 

This girl is alone, scared and needs some love and hope, only we can change that.

Chaska Middle School East

Mrs. Johnson's 8th Grade Global Studies

Global Studies class letters connecting national issues to the UN's Global Goals.

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