Andreas GC Utah


This is a letter about obesity.

Dear Mrs./Mr. President,

I know that you care about this beautiful country and all the amazing citizens who inhabit it. I hope that you can improve the USA to the best of your ability. One thing that I would like to bring to your attention is the health of of our nation. Thirty five point seven percent of of adults in the US are obese. Obesity affects the youth of America as well. One in every six children is considered obese. Too many people have obesity which means too many people are unhealthy. The health of our nation starts with citizens and obesity is weighing us down. (Statistics from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease)

One of the reasons people are obese is that they don’t have enough money to buy healthy food. The solution here is to make healthy food more affordable or put money into the hands of those who need it the most so that they can have the option of eating healthy. People who work multiple jobs just to get enough money to live also find difficulty in avoiding obesity. They simply don’t have the time to exercise which is a leading cause of obesity. If people aren’t eating foods and not exercising then weight gain is inevitable and we will see growing numbers of obese people.

Obesity has devastating effects on health especially when acquired at a young age. It can lead to “type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, osteoarthritis, breast, colon, endometrial, and kidney cancer, and stroke” (NIDDK). With consequences like these we can’t let obesity persist. No one wants to be obese but it is more difficult than it may seem to prevent or overcome. I know that there is no single solution to this dilemma but with your help I believe we could make some serious headway.


Andreas C  

Judge Memorial

Judge Memorial-Jeffreys

Students enrolled in AP English Language and Composition at Judge Memorial Catholic High School in Salt Lake City, Utah.

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