Zeke M. Pennsylvania

Free College

I propose the creation of government funded colleges to raise America's education of youth and to help low income students impact the world

Dear Future President,

The issue I want to talk about is tuition free college. I propose the creation of such schools, that are funded by the government, to raise America’s education of youth and allow students to create their impact on the world.

First, free colleges would help America better educate teens and young adults. Our country is very technologically advanced and we have lots of resources at our disposal. Last year we spent $632 billion on public schools according to Consumer Price Index. Why then are we ranked 14th nationally in education according to Pearson? We also rank 17th in educational performance according to a report called the Learning Curve. Those numbers just don’t add up considering the potential our country possesses. A 2009 study by the Washington Post found that the number one reason people drop out of college is financial struggle. If we can get these dropouts, which is more than 70% of them, to finish college at government funded schools, we can boost oor education of college students and live up to our country's potential.

Second and most importantly, free college will give students in less fortunate financial situations opportunity. Summer Melt, a book by Benjamin L. Castleman and Lindsay C. Page, found that 40% of low income students accepted to colleges didn't attend any universities after being accepted. If we give those students chances at government school, they could shape the world. Also they could get better incomes and become healthier according to ProCon.org. This will improve poverty, crime, and countless other issues.

In conclusion, free college will benefit everyone. From the students who get an education to the common people because crime rates go down. Why not create government funded colleges?