Tomas.E Texas

Letter to Next Presiednet

Dear Mr or Mrs President Imagine a student gets a student gets a 4.0 in all of his or hers high school years but can’t go to college because their parents can’t afford to send them their kid to college because it’s too expensive.Mr or Madem President 2 sign a law to make college tuition free. One reason why we need to make college tuition free is some kids can’t go to college because it’s too expensive. Another reason why we need to make college tuition free is that it will stop the federal government from making money from student loans.

   Those students whose parents can’t afford to send them to college are missing out on an amazing opportunity. One part of that missed opportunity is that that kid may miss a chance to get a great job and have a great life in the future. If you don’t go college you might also miss out on how to live on your own. Imagine a scenario a where you have job that involves something that you can improve on in college and you don’t know. So what I’m saying is that if you don’t go to college you might miss out on a better education for you.

Some people would say that free college tuition is not necessary because they feel like college is like a exclusive thing for people who have a college scholarship or for people who can afford it. But for those people who think college is exclusive I have this to say: College is for people who work hard to have a great education or a complete education. So they can have a great job in their later life and have money so they can have a roof over their head.

Over the years it’s been guessed that the federal government will make about 110 billion dollars on student loans. To me this is just wrong and it's very bad for our economic system. So in the future I hope that Mr or Mrs president that you prevent the the federal government from making money on college students and use the money for other things instead of lowering the student loan rates.

In conclusion, I think college is not an exclusive thing for people who can afford it or got a scholarship it’s for people to expand their education and to complete their education so later on they can have a great life after they graduate college.    

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