Rachel J. Wisconsin

Decreasing College Tuition for Students

Why pay thousands of dollars for something that is expected of American citizens to get by in our society?

Dear Future President,

There are many issues that should be addressed once you are on the job. One very important issue that you must take into account is the price for college tuition. Tuition needs to be decreased in order for everyone in society to live up to the standards of present day. 

Some may say that prices should remain the same or even be increased. This is because they believe that colleges will not make enough money without the steep tuition fees the way that they are. The institutions should be less concerned about their profit, and more concerned with their students education. According to http://steinhardt.nyu.edu, "a higher level of education is a strong predictor of longevity due to many factors, including higher income and social status, healthier behaviors, and improved social and psychological well being". If it is proven that going to college conforms you into a better person benefiting you in the long run, then everyone should have the opportunity to attend college which would only benefit our society.

Think of the people in this country who are working just to survive in society. They are not entitled to a better job that earns more money without a higher education. If they cannot receive a higher education there is no possible way that they can get out of poverty and they cannot go to college because they do not have enough money to afford earning a college education. 

It is difficult enough to go to college and have enough time to earn the grades needed to pass. Tacking on a job to this pressure adds a lot of stress and often results in dropping out of college all because it ends up getting too expensive to afford. 

President, if you take anything out of this, know that by decreasing rates, students can focus on their education only. This will allow them to gain a career that is expected of society while earning a sufficient salary to support themselves after they finish their college education.


High school student hoping for a change