Taylor N. Texas

Three-fifths of a Person

Persuasive letter to the next President advocating African American discrimination and racism fueled violence.

Dear Mr./Madam President,

Although we as a nation have come very far in reaching equilibrium amongst races, there are still things that need mending. Imagine a world where the Civil Rights Act was not passed. Picture that whites and blacks were still segregated. And even though drastic measures aren’t taken as they were before, African Americans are still racially oppressed politically, socially and economically. African Americans are not only put in dangerous situations that involve violence, but they are also being discriminated against. Mr./Madam President you must sign into legislation more specific laws that defend the rights of African Americans.

African Americans have always been discriminated against, but as said before, it seems that measures have taken a more drastic and dangerous turn. The discrimination that African Americans have been facing have been heightened and have lead to things as gruesome as murder. For example, Philando Castile, an African American who’d lived in Minnesota, was shot in his car sitting next to his wife with his young daughter in the back seat. This was an unjustly act simply because the man had informed the officer he’d had a firearm and was reaching for his wallet, and was just shot in his arm. There’s no doubt that the story would’ve been spun if his wife, Diamond Reynolds, hadn’t been recording. His story is just one of many. As of lately, there has been a drastic increase in African American men’s death. These many now deceased men are what inspired a popular hashtag known as Black Lives Matter. All over social media the hashtag was trending not only by African Americans but by other races who’d finally seen the wrongness African Americans had been experiencing for years.

Some people may be wondering why do only African American need specific laws of protection. Some may even say that it’s unfair because every human has the same rights. The reason African Americans need more specific laws is because they are an instant target for violence and discrimination. They face daily struggles of intense racism in their social lives, their jobs, and even politics. African Americans deserve more specific laws of protection because not only do they face intense discrimination, but they also endure drastic acts of violence driven by racism. It’s simply just not fair.

It’s simply not fair that African Americans are expected to endure so much and keep quiet, The daily discrimination they face really holds them back. No matter how hard they seem to try, the white person will always be superior to the black person and it’s simply not fair. It’s not fair that every human is seen as equal, yet a vote from one African American is three-fifths of a vote from a white person. It’s not fair that African Americans work just as hard if not harder than other race only to be seen as three-fifths of a person. Mr./Madam President you must sign into legislation more specific laws for African Americans because if we are all seen as human why is an African American vote worth less than half of a ‘normal’ vote? It’s simply not fair that African Americans have been facing unjustly discrimination. Mr./Madam President you must help mend this ongoing political,social, and economic situation.

Although we as a nation have come very far from segregation and intense racism, there are still things that need mending. African Americans have always been seen as inferior, but it seems as of lately they have been receiving intense discrimination and violence. Mr./Madam President you must defend the rights of African Americans because they too are more than just three-fifths of a person. If all humans are created equal why are African Americans seen as three-fifths?

Works Cited

Anderson, Monica, and Paul Hitlin. "4. Major Recent Events Bring #BlackLivesMatter Back to the Forefront as the Tone Shifts Overnight." Pew Research Center Internet Science Tech RSS. 15 Aug. 2016. Web. 04 Nov. 2016.

Horowitz, Juliana Menasce, and Gretchen Livingston. "How Americans View the Black Lives Matter Movement." Pew Research Center RSS. 08 July 2016. Web. 04 Nov. 2016.

"Is the Black Lives Matter Movement Good for America? - 2016 Presidential Election - ProCon.org." ProConorg Headlines. Web. 04 Nov. 2016.

"Is the Black Lives Matter Movement Good for America? - 2016 Presidential Election - ProCon.org." ProConorg Headlines. Web. 04 Nov. 2016.

"Woman Streams Aftermath of Fatal Officer-involved Shooting." CNN. Cable News Network. Web. 04 Nov. 2016.

Cedar Valley Middle School

Ms. Collins' students

These are the wonderful ideas of my 8th grade students and their advice to the next President of the United States.

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