Sarah G. Michigan

Wildlife Poaching Pervention

Many animal species are coming close to extinction, this has mostly been the effect of poaching. Only some parts of these animals are being used for products that have no real purpose. Our government needs to do something to help prevent these animals from going extinct before it is too late.

Dear future president,

“Endangered animals are slaughtered so that a single body part- like tusks, pelt, or bones- can be illegally sold for huge sums of money”, stated from the African wildlife foundation. Because animals are being poached for making goods, animal species are becoming endangered and close to extinction. If we do not make a change now, the population of these animals will just get worse until there are none left and we will realize that we should have done something that would help prevent this.

Poaching is killing so many of these animals illegally for the use of products. Because the demand for these animal products is so high, people are killing so many of these animals it is bringing their populations down to almost extinction. “In one park, in the central African Republic that was home to 3,000 of the animals in 1980, poachers, many from the Sudan, where the rhinoceroses have been wiped out, have slaughtered all but 150”, a statement from a New York Times article said. Though this is taking about just one part of Africa, this is happening all over and to other animal species too.

There are different viewpoints to this topic, so here is the government/organizations trying to help these animals. These organizations are trying to save the animal populations from going extinct by raising money by selling shirts and other goods to fight against poaching. Also the governments are trying are trying to prevent the buying of goods from animals that were illegally poached. The government and organizations are trying to help these animals not reach extinction in the future.

Another look about this topic is, the people who make goods out of the poached animal parts. Jewelers that made ivory like how nice and clean the ivory looks, and it sells very well in many parts of the world. Other goods made from animals are sold a lot as antiques, which many tourists like to buy because it´s very interesting and something people think is cool.

But, there are ways that we can help these animals not become extinct in the future. One way to help these animals is by having an area totally fenced in with guards to watch to make sure poachers can not come in and get the animals. In this area, many species that are endangered will stay and grow their population up enough to go back into the wild. Also, instead of using these animals for products, we can use an alternative that is better for the animals and the environment. As stated from a New York Times article, “ fossilized ivory from woolly mammoths, discovered beneath melting ice caps in Siberia and Alaska, has been touted in recent years as an ethical alternative to elephant ivory, a way to deter the continuing illegal trade in tusks that is threatening an entire species with extinction”.

In conclusion, many animal species are being poached for non purposeful objects that are being sold all around the world. These animals are being used for antiques and other goods that have no good meaning to us other than pleasure and amusement. We need to do something about this now so these animals can get their populations up and not go extinct and be gone forever.

Clarkston Community Schools

5th Hour

ELA 10

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