Haylee D.



Dear future President,

One of the biggest things for me that I look for in a candidate is someone that is going to put time and attention towards people and children in poverty. 

I believe it should be an easier and less strict process to sign up for EBT and cash benefits. 

I believe there should be stricter requirements to be a foster parent, and routinely have counseling for foster children. 

There should be more funding for needle exchanges and rehabilitation centers for the drug industry going on in our world today. 

The 1% should be taxed more and schools should get more funding and equal funding. 

There should be more opportunities for our voices to be heard on specific things like this - such as community meetings and hearings in every city. 

How will you ever know there is a problem with things like this if you can't hear us? We need someone that cares about the community, not just the wealthy. Someone that's going to draw attention to the disgusting things that are going on and things that need to get fixed, and not just talk about the fine and dandy things.