Agui N. California

Immigration Policy

Build a wall, but the United States should pay for it

Dear Future President,

Our immigration policy is unfair for some, and irritating for others. While Asians or nations who do not share a border with the United States wait long amounts of time to be accepted as a citizen and be in America, some cross the Southern border with ease and don’t have to wait at all. This is unfair for all those who want to come to the United States fairly, an even harder task with illegal immigration in the way. At the same time, many born in America and in the lower classes complain because it is harder for them to find a job that immigrants will take for less money.

A wall across Arizona and New Mexico where there is no clear border between the United States and Mexico would be useful; however, it may not be advisable to have Mexico pay for the wall. Having Mexico pay for the wall would be like having someone you don’t know paying for your clothes. After all, whoever wants the wall should pay for it, not the other way around.

It is also true that immigrants shape America, as they have done for centuries. However, currently, immigrants with the highest paying jobs are from Asia and Europe. Those with the lowest-paying jobs are likely from Latin America, and many Americans with little to know income need such jobs.

It should be fair for everyone to immigrate to the United States, from Latin America to Europe to the Eastern World. Right now some would argue it is not, and building a wall and paying for it may be a solution to such a problem.

Agui Navarro

Santa Clara High School