Garrison S. Michigan

Food Coloring

Food coloring and it's negative effects on the human body.

Dear President,

A lot of people don’t even think about consuming artificial food coloring and how it could have negative effects on the consumer. But the reality is that food dyes in our everyday snacks or meals, can cause some worrying effects. Because of the dangers of food dye being adsorbed in our bodies in everyday food. The president should force these companies, that use these artificial colors, to switch to a healthier and more natural food dye.

I never thought that food dyes were ever more than just a little coloring that was harmless. From reading Green Eggs and Ham by Doctor Sues as a kid and eating Pop Tarts and Skittles, odd colors in food really weren't that odd.

There have been reported side effects due to artificial coloring. In the Vegetarian Journal, it states, “The Center for Science in the public interest filed a petition in 1998 that contained reports of dozen of severe allergic reaction to the coloring and recommended that it be labeled”. If these colorings were causing problems for individuals, these companies shouldn't of been able to use it in our foods. The most commonly seen food dye is found to be Red 40, Blue 1 and Yellow 5 and 6. In an article by Dr. Edward for the Global Health Center it sates, “Red 40 and Yellow 5 and 6 contain the chemical benzene, a known carcinogen. The CDC claims that very little is known about the health effects of benzene, despite the mountain of evidence pointing at its cancer-causing potential.” Benzene has been linked to well known illness. In an article by the American Cancer Society, it states, “IARC classifies benzene as “carcinogenic to humans,” based on sufficient evidence that benzene causes acute myeloid leukemia (AML). IARC also notes that benzene exposure has been linked with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), multiple myeloma, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.” These dyes can be found in Gatorade, Mountain Dew, Ice cream, Doritos, Fruit Snacks, Lucky Charms and Fruit Loops. As you can see, the list can go one and on. These unsettling dyes have been banned in countries such as Norway, Finland, and Australia. Food dyes have also been linked to contribute to ADHD risk. “An Australian study examining food dyes’ effects on 200 children found that 75% of parents noticed an improvement in behavior and attention once dyes were eliminated from their child’s diet.” If 75% of people reported better behavior after not consuming the dye, it fazes me to read that these dye´s are still legal for companies to put in out drinks and foods.

After doing this research on food coloring, I now try to stay away from these dyes as much as possible. It can be challenging at times because the dyes are so commonly used in so many foods and drinks. The food coloring we consume is clearly unhealthy to our bodies and the president needs to ban the use of these dyes for the health of this country.

Sincerely - Garrison 

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