Marcos Texas

College Tuition

65.9% of high school graduates enrolled in college, but more than 75% of students who take remedial classes never graduate. And 60% of college dropouts had no help in paying for tuition.

Dear future President

College is a very important aspect if you plan on pursuing a career. 65.9% of high school graduates enrolled in college, but more than 75% of students who take remedial classes never graduate. And 60% of college dropouts had no help in paying for tuition. This information proves tuition cost is a huge obstacle for college students and people who plan to attend college. This is exactly why we have to lower tuition cost, so we can get that graduation percentage up. And also for those who couldn't afford it, can also have an opportunity to attend. The average cost of tuition and fees for private college is $32,405 and $9,410 for public colleges. I believe that we should lower those prices by 20%. So we can break the barrier for people to get an opportunity to to attend college and so they can pursuit their dream jobs.

- Marcos Garza