Olivia S. Minnesota

Senate Bill 277

My thoughts and concerns about the Senate Bill 277.

Dear future President

I am writing to you today about the recent violation known as the Senate Bill 277. There has been a recent uprising in debates about whether or not vaccination should be mandatory in order to attend schools or not. But for the ones who are against it in California they lost the argument.

The Senate Bill 277 states that before a child can enter any public or private schools the parent must give their child more that 40 doses of 10 federal stated vaccinations. Such as Polio, Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis Haemophilus, influenzae type b

Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Hepatitis B ,Varicella (Chickenpox) the list goes on. That law goes against a person's rights in California whether the parent denied it because of their religion or just personal beliefs whatever the reason is it simply isn't fair

Now there is information supporting that the bill could work. But even the research I found through research shows that vaccines can backfire. Cases of children getting stomach aches and colds even seriously ill. The Senate bill was passed dew to an outbreak of Measles that started in Disneyland. Over 160 cases were reported, and as a result an estimated 33,000 will be turned down to an education unless the parents show proof of an immunization slip allowing the school to enroll the child. But unless the child has a medical reason for not being able for vaccinations there's really no way around it. A parent must either turn away from their religion, or move States.

I know that an argument like this most likely won't be taken seriously. If people stop taking vaccines the people who make them will lose their jobs and the government will evidently lose money. The bill that's being forced is untrustworthy stating that families that don't agree with the ready for all age vaccine act. Can and will lose their State Constitutional right for a free and appropriate education in public and private K-12 schools. The only good news is that high schoolers don't have to obey the bill it only falls against students under the 7th grade.

But still over everything the bill that was passed is taking a step backwards and me knowing about it makes me question whether going and raising a family in California is worth all that trouble so I'm asking the future President to make the bill “bend” just a little.

Thank you for your time

I hope you take my words into consideration  

- Olivia S.