blessing i. Louisiana


Presidential plans for the economy

Dear Donald Trump.

I'm writing this letter to you because I would like to know what are your economic future plans for the country. I know the ideas that you defend but I would appreciate if you explain them to me in detail.

In your interviews, you say you will power the American industry bringing back the business that left the country to make more money and also make their companies international companies, after bringing them back you say the economy will be almost good again but there will be one more thing to do, the United States will stop paying money to some of the countries that give the USA goods so it can collect enough money to pay its debts and make by its own industry most of the things people need, like food and different materials inside the country.

I think the country shouldn't stop paying other countries to get different stuff because there are some stuff the country needs and other countries provide, for example petroleum and gas, if the pipelines are shot, it would be a real problem. I think you should consider this and think in other way to power United States' economy.

Thank you so much, Blessing Izekoro.