Skyler Maxwell Louisiana

Guns Kill People and Spoons Make Them Fat

Gun control is a serious problem in our country, so lets put them in the RIGHT hands.

     There is no doubt about it that this country has a gun control problem. People are losing their lives due to a gun getting into the wrong hands. A gun cannot kill someone unless someone pursues to pull the trigger, a spoon cannot make you fat unless you physically grab it and eat the contents which it holds. My point here is that guns do not kill people. People kill people. Something needs to be done before we lose our precious 2nd Amendment right.

     Where I am from, often times guns get into the wrong hands. There are shootings, so many sometimes that they go unheard by the community because the news is saddening and has become the "norm". Honestly though, I have no resentment towards the gun itself. What I do have resentment towards, is the person who sold them that gun and the person abusing the guns abilities. Why didn't the seller better question or background check their client before selling them a weapon? Perhaps we as a country should begin doing better checks on people when issuing firearm licenses. Despite the race, gender, and religion everyone should be equally and harshly checked for any background information that may render them from buying/own a firearm. Also, another suggestion would be to allow only citizens of the United States of America (with proper background checks) to posses firearms. Along with this, for who ever purchases a weapon of this sort, they are required to attend a training session to learn how to properly operate  a firearm. 

     So gun control isn't about guns, its about control. Take the guns away from the bad guys. Allow America to pursue our happiness, life, and liberty. Mr.President, please take these suggestions into consideration or allow them to inspire you to make a change of some sort. Thank you for your time in reading this letter. 

                                                                                                                -Skyler Maxwell

Delta Charter School

DCS US History

Delta Charter School U.S. History classes

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