James Minnesota

School lunch

School lunch should have more requirements to be considered a meal.

Dear Mr/Mrs future President

The topic i’m about to talk about has bugged me ever sense 5th grade. I’m talking about school lunch. School lunch need to be healthy and have enough food to help kids get through the rest of the day because school is eight hours a day.

Mackensie Graham said on ATTN: “Not all school lunches are created equally.

Though the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA) of 2010 incentivizes schools to follow new portion, nutrition, and serving guidelines, not every school in the country participates. Public (and non-profit) schools participate, at a rate of at least 90 percent. Yet, the quality of the school lunches served to students still varies greatly from school-to-school.”

I’m not the only one in the country that thinks school lunch is bad. Lots of kids think that school lunch is disgusting. Maria Godoy said on NPR ( national public radio) :

“The project is the brainchild of Farah Sheikh, who manages education campaigns for Do Something, a nonprofit group that helps organize young people to take action around social change. She got the idea, she said, while researching student dropout rates. Nutrition, she noticed, "has a pretty big impact on student concentration and student performance in school," she tells The Salt.The project features more than 7,000 school lunch photos, accompanied by often witty captions — such as "objects may taste worse than they appear." Some of the meals shown are real doozies — "we've gotten a lot of mystery meat," Sheikh says. Exhibit A: this sloppy mess, allegedly ground beef.”

My personal connection to this is that I don’t feel that we get enough food at school. When we do get a lot of food it is not good food. I feel that schools do not follow the rules for school regulation on food made by the USDA. I think all school lunches in america should all be the same and have the same requirements. School lunch is opportunity to teach lifelong eating habits.

What i’m trying to say Mr/Mrs future President is that school lunch should be the same throughout the country. I believe every school district in the country should have the same nutritional values as every other school in the country.

Sincerely James Burks

Henry Sibley High School


Ms. Starkson's American Lit class, hours 6 & 7

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