Ainsley Texas

Mandatory recycling

Dear Mr./Madam President, You need to create a law of mandatory recycling,because it will create less waste around the United States and it help the environment out. With the law creating less waste we can make more reusable plastic containers etc. But did you know that seattle's recycling rates dropped from a high of 45% in 1995 to 38% in 2003. With the recycling law it can drop the percentage of plastic around the US. "We kind of feel that businesses and residents had gotten a little complacent -- there was a big drive when we first started the program in the late '80s and the issue of landfills and the environment was very popular. Over time, we've had a lot of people move into the city who were not from the region, and correspondingly there was a drop in our education efforts. I think we got a little lax." a worker in seattle said.The bottle bill has been helpful bill to some states A number of U.S. states, including California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Oregon, and Vermont have passed laws that establish deposits or refund values by encouraging reusing and recycling of beverage containers. While we are all very aware that we 'should' recycle, it is not always clear 'why' we should recycle. Is there really a significant benefit in putting a soft drink can in a recycle bin and not just throwing it out with the trash? If we better understand what the benefits of recycling are and how does recycling help the environment you will help save the enviorment.It will defantly reduce landfill because maost of it is soft drink cans and paper Keeping paper out of landfills is just one way that recycling helps the environment. Pullen, ByKate. "What Impact Does Recycling Have on the Environment?" LoveToKnow. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2016. "Recycling and Composting in San Francisco - FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)." Our Home. Our City. Our Planet. N.p., 14 Sept. 2016. Web. 04 Nov. 2016.