Linda C. Illinois


Planned Parenthood and other abortion associations are not the only answer to accidental pregnancies- not only are you ending someone’s life before it has started, but it is putting thousands of women in danger.

Dear Upcoming U.S. President,

Planned Parenthood and other abortion associations are not the only answer to accidental pregnancies- not only are you ending someone’s life before it has started, but it is putting thousands of women in danger. This is unconstitutional, and should not be funded by the government and only be allowed toward rape victims with proof of the crime.

“Mothers” who decide to abort are ending someone’s life for no logistical reasoning- abortion is not the answer. If you are irresponsible enough to have an unwanted pregnancy, you need to take the consequences and have the child. Excluding miscarriages, roughly 21% of pregnancies end in abortion. Fortunately, abortion is not the only solution- some alternatives can be placing them for adoption, or seeing if another family member on either side of the family, or even the father, will take care of them.

Abortions can negatively affect the mother of the child as well. According to, abortions can lead to persistent bleeding, perforation of the uterus, damage to other organs, or even death. In perspective, having an abortion to end somebody’s life is putting your own health and life at risk. In the end, is it worth it? You may have to spend hundreds on serious surgery, along with all the downsides that follow. (recovery, side effects of medication, anything that could go wrong with the surgery, etc…) Physical health is not the only negative affect, mental health plays a big role as well. After an abortion, the mother can have extreme feeling of guilt and regret that can snowball into depression- or at least years of remorse.

Since it has been established that the abortion process should not be opened to the public, there should be one exception- if you have become pregnant as a result of sexual assault. You shouldn’t have to carry a child that is half of an abuser or that you literally could not prevent from being conceived. Abortion services should only be allowed at hospitals to people with referrals by a police department after a case has been proven and established to prevent just anyone trying to get one.

Even though the subject is widely debated, abortion should not be legal to general public. This process is killing and harming babies and mothers, and is going against the laws prohibiting murder. To compromise, it should only be allowed to rape victims; there is no other excuse to receive an abortion. Hopefully, the new president will take this viral issue formally and seriously, and put an end to this unnecessary manslaughter.

In hope of saving lives,

Linda Chize

Gurrie Middle School

5-6 LaBud ELA

5-6 LaBud ELA

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