Keira J. Illinois

Encouraging Unity and Diversity

It doesn't matter what language you speak, what race you are in, or the color of your skin, we are all human and we should all be treated fairly, equally, respectfully, and with kindness.

Dear Future Presidents,

     People tend to judge people because of their race, color of their skin, language, being poor or rich, etc. But they don't realize that we are all human, we all have lives to live, and that everyone has their own path in life. Race or color of skin should not be a problem in this world. I feel that there are more problems to face than just stereotyping people's race. Many people from other countries come to America for school and/or to explore. But the fact that we push them away and make assumptions because of their race becomes more of a problem to them, their countries, and the American people. 

     Diversity isn't always a bad thing; it's actually more of good thing. Your able to connect and get along with others and explore outside of your own world. I think its fascinating when we have people from other countries come to America because, your able to tell them the different sightseeing and the pop culture there and what attracts people the most when they come to America. It also gives the people more involved in situations that we face in today's world by being good leaders and planing for the better for people. 

    Unity helps build a stronger nation. Different people that tend to work and come to agreements to help other communities become better is also another definition of diversity. With different people involved in many things, sending a positive vibe is a good thing. I feel that people from different race of tend to sometimes help and try to make a change and help others who struggle. America isn't a bad place at all. I think we just need to understand one another and have support more support from people in different race. 

   For the president of the United States, Diversity and Unity is an amazing thing in America. People coming from different places learn a lot coming to America. American people are able to get along with other race and learn their background. I feel that we shouldn't judge race to be an issue because at the end of the day, everyone isn't bad. If we come together, we can make a strong and peaceful place for all.

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