Gun Violence

Gun Violence

This article is about gun violence and this article should tell the next president why this should be taken in consideration.

Dear Future President,

How would you feel if your love one was shot by someone with a gun? In this article I will be addressing the topic “gun violence”. When I am outside I feel scared that I could to either get shot any second. As a civilian we should not be scared for our life because of someone who has a gun. When you become president will you be able to take a stand for gun violence? Will you be able to save Americans from gun violence?

“It`s widely supposed that Congress enacted a “ban” on Federal Funding for gun violence research in 1996”(Michael Hiltzik). In 2015, there have been only 337 days and 354 mass shootings(Kqed). There was 35% homicide and 61.2% was suicide. In 2016, USA and Canada was compared and the USA gun rate was 6.42 and Canada was 1.94. Around 2011-2013 the US gun death by race and gender was that black men was 34 and black women was 4, white men was 16 and white women was 3.

The United States has the rate of gun violence among other countries. Statics show that other countries and US states with high rates of gun violence and gun possession. There are only a minimum of 310 million guns in USA and there are 90 guns per every 100 Person. In 2013, 1,670 kids from ages 1-18 years died by a gunshot and an additional 9,718 were injured. Hundreds of people was killed by someone with a gun. There were statistics that say 47% was black , 13% was white, and 5% was hispanic. To the next president will you be able to put an end to this topic “gun violence”?

Jamil B.