Farhiya O. Michigan

Equal Pay for Equal Work

Women and at risk students deserve equal opportunity.

Dear Mrs/Mr.President,

        Growing up your parents teach you to always follow your dreams and work hard because anything is possible. In reality, many opportunities aren’t offered to everyone. As the president I want you to acknowledge and address the issue of inequality for women and at risk students in the workforce and in the real world.

            The first issue I would like you to address is the lack of equal pay between men and women, there is an obvious gender bias in the workforce. Statistics from corporate businesses show that women are paid 80% of what men are paid for the same type of work(2). Women are paid less because of the common misconception that women are only caregivers and mostly work part time.(2) These stereotypical views of women , are creating the dreaded pay gap. This pay gap has created the inability for women to become successful in their field. A common trend between many women of various educational degrees has been to stop working. They assume if they're not going to get paid the same, what's the point of working. Although none of them have ever said this directly, younger women are often given the impression that they cannot become successful because have observed CEO’s hiring men over women. In order to stop discouraging young women's aspirations for high ranking positions, we need to fix this problem. Researchers shows that to close the pay gap and eliminating gender bias, we need to force CEO’s to create policies for equal pay and we must hold them accountable. Also, women should negotiate and demand equal pay because they deserve it. Women should realize it's their right to be paid as much as a man holding the same position. Finally, the most important people to campaign for this cause are women, and they should advocate and educate the public on the issue so that they can gain support.

           The second issue I would like the president to recognize is the effects of the limited opportunity given to at risk students. On average low income neighborhoods have one book per 300 students, while in middle class neighborhoods there are 13 books per one student (3).The students lack of exposure to books has a major impact on their future. Research shows that there's correlations between a student’s reading ability and how much exposure to books they are given as a child. The limited amount of reading resources in the low income neighborhoods affects their ability to read fluently apply and excel in school. In reality, their limited exposure to books creates an unfair advantage that they have to deal with in primary and secondary schools. This lack of exposure to books also follows them all the way to college and this lead to many of them taking remediation course in college. We should advocate that higher standards should be set for those who come from a home where education isn’t important(3). The higher standards will push the student to continue to work hard and try to succeed in the real world. Finally, we should create guidance for the students who come from at risk home by having summer reading programs and summer activities to keep them out of bad situations. These activities have large influence on their lives because it introduces positive role models and informs them that they can do great things. If at risk students are given equal opportunity in the real world, they would be able to succeed in life.

         To conclude, I believe that we should continue to fight for equal opportunity across the board. Everybody should be allowed to pursue their dreams and shouldn't worry about their pay or that they might not get the job because they are a women or male.I believe women, and at risk students should have equal opportunity like every other American. 

                                                                Work Cited

1) "Opinions Helping Children from Low-income Families Succeed in Class." The Washington Post. N.p., n.d. Web. Oct.-Nov. 2016.


2) "The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap (Fall 2016)." The Simple Truth. N.p., n.d. Web. Sept.-Oct. 2016.


3) "Why Aren’t Low-Income Students Succeeding in School?" Huffington Post. N.p., n.d. Web. Sept.-Oct. 2016.
