Ryan L. Georgia

Our Future as a Nation

Ten years from now, our country will obviously change with new technologies coming. One thing should stay the same though: our Constitutional Freedoms.

Dear Future President,

Enter any country not named the United States of America, and take a look around. Look at the citizens, how they act, even what the say. They are not even close to similar to US citizens, simply because they don’t have as many freedoms as us. We have a lot of freedoms, and I believe many people agree with me. That is why you should protect the US Constitution.

This problem is not a popular topic. Most people talk about immigration, gun violence, or abortion. Nonetheless, many people and politicians are trying to change at least some of the constitution. The constitution is the base and framework for our modern government, and I truly doubt people would want that to change.

An effective and simple solution to this issue is to let people know about it. Most people listen to the (usually biased) media and believe them immediately. Citizens don”t know the real facts, which is why they need to hear honest reporters speaking the truth. According to ijr.com, about 46% of people support gun control. That number is way to large, and needs to decrease significantly. Most people turn on their tv, look at the news, and hear of more shootings. Guns are not the problems! You know what, let’s ban idiots, not guns.

I already know what you are thinking. I don’t know of anyone that wants to actually change the constitution. The thing is that people don’t want to change the whole thing. They are only attacking certain parts of it. People are tricky about too. They say it subtly, as if sneaking their opinion by media and citizens is their main goal.

This paper is not just my findings, but also from others all around the country. I write this for the next, and very important, generation to come. I want their future to be brighter than it is right now. It takes a lot of work and stamina for normal citizens to make a change as big as this, but you have what it takes. What will you do for our country and its freedoms?

Thank you, 

Ryan L.

Creekland Middle School

Mrs. Demos's Classes

We are 8th grade language arts students from Creekland Middle School in Lawrenceville, GA.

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