Zach Connecticut

Gun Violence

Guns should not be banned. Guns are some people’s way to relief stress. Some Americans use guns to protect those around them. Banning guns will only help criminals.

Dear President,

I am going to get to the point. Guns should not be banned. Guns are some people’s way to relief stress. Some Americans use guns to protect those around them. Banning guns will only help criminals. People with guns can stop robberies and stop criminals from murdering citizens. It is a proven fact where there is gun control there is more crime like in New York, but where there is no gun control there is less crime like in Montana. Our Second Amendment states that the people have a right to bear arms, meaning we have a right to a gun. Taking away citizens’ guns you are taking away their safety. “The Second Amendment of the US Constitution protects individual gun ownership. The Second Amendment of the US Constitution reads, "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Gun ownership is an American tradition older than the country itself and is protected by the Second Amendment; more gun control laws would infringe upon the right to bear arms.” ( Guns make people feel safe. Gun control laws will not prevent criminals from getting guns. They can still get guns illegally. With gun control, you may think you are helping people by stopping criminals from getting a gun, but it is giving the government too much power. In the passed gun control has shown to be ineffective and not working. Criminals still have guns and the citizens are still dying from guns.

Having a concealed gun helps deter crime and helps stop robberies, look at the recent videos of people who has a concealed weapon and has stopped a robbery. “Concealed handguns deter crime. States that implemented "shall-issue" concealed carry laws reduced murders by 8.5%, rapes by 5%, aggravated assaults by 7%, and robbery by 3%, according to a 2000 analysis of FBI crime data by economist and political commentator John R. Lott Jr., PhD. Lott calculated that 1,570 murders, 4,177 rapes, 60,000 aggravated assaults, and 12,000 robberies could have been prevented between 1977 and 1992 if concealed carry had been legal in every US state during that time period.“ ( It is the citizen's right to protect themselves from a criminal. Most people who carry a concealed weapon are law abiding citizens. Carrying a concealed weapon can help stop a shooting spree. It also helps citizens protect themselves from a criminal when they can’t count on the police. Adding gun control will only anger the citizens. Adding gun control will only help criminals get away with a crime. Having a gun will increase the chances of stopping a crime or murder. People will be able to protect themselves. If you want an example of how bad gun control is, look at Mexico. Mexico has gun control and look at the crime rate. The more gun control laws there is the more crime goes up. So leave gun control out of this country. We don’t need it.


A Concerned Citizen

Greenwich High School

English Lit and Comp 3

Eng Lit and Comp 3

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