Yessica C. Texas

Why Drug Addiction should Be Solved

I'm writing about how drugs can affect the U.S in a bad way

Dear future president

 I'm here to say that drugs is a up coming problem in the U.S in 2017, I think that making better laws on how to obtain drugs. Over 20 million Americans over the age of 12 have a addiction to drugs as result  100 people die everyday from drug abuse making it 5 million EMT visits in 2011 drug related. This can cause an unstable home environment for children or adults who have a family member with a drug addiction it can also cause mental illness. I think a 6 month check up or mental check up with the doctors can be a good way to solve this issue also more information on rehab on how it can help people with drug addiction can be a good way too. The government also can make high schools, colleges and work places talk about how drugs can affect your live in a bad way. I really think solving drug addiction in the U.S can really help the economic and can also bring down crime rates down.  

Galena Park High School

English II

English II students write about their concerns for the upcoming election.

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