Cheick Gory New York

Immigrants Are Good for America

A letter supporting immigrants

4 November 2016

Dear President, the hope of the American people,

I am really grateful for your time to listen and consider my voice about immigrants issues. My President, the choice of United States' citizens in 2016, my voice is one of the citizens who is extremely affected by the difficulty immigrants face in the United States. Iโ€™m Cheick Gory, a senior at Brooklyn International High school, and an immigrant from Mali. My president, I am going to remind you that life is priceless. Immigrants leave their country for a reason: to look for a better life. And you, the President, should address my issue because immigrants hope that the United States is that better place and safe for them. And I believe this is something we need to consider. If we give opportunity to immigrants and let them in, it could help increase the U.S. economy. Also, more culture will be added to the American culture. America will be proved outstanding in the cause of human rights the whole world over.

Immigration has been a great factor for the U.S for decades. Immigrants come to this country for multiple reasons. According to an article by Kimberly Hefling and Juan A. Lozano of the Associated Press, a teacher at a school said, "I have great hope for these kids able to hang in there, learn English and earn a diploma, and build their life." This is very important because that can be a solution to help increase the United States' economy and also increase the rate of development and decrease the rate of unemployment. This will push us to think that immigrants should be let in. Immigrants have large dreams to have a chance to learn, have chance to study, and they want a chance to realize the meaning of the freedom. However, there are undocumented immigrants coming to the US as children and we have 90,000 children that came to the US from Central America in 2014. My president and the legal president of Unites States, do you think itโ€™s a good idea to not help those peoples who don't speak English and protect them from danger? They have no idea that their act of crossing the border is illegal. They crossed because they faced danger for their own life, they may have lost their families, friends, even their dreams and their education. And now they also risk deportation.

According to those different perspectives about immigrants, the solution can be to give opportunities to immigrants to let them in legally by giving more visas because we need to check their background information to keep America safe. And I believe this is something we need to consider. If we give opportunity to immigrants and let them in, it could help increase the economy. Also, more culture will be added to the American culture. America will be proved outstanding in the cause of human rights in the whole world. My President, let me promise you that you will be certainly one of the most generous Presidents in history if you sense the immigrants' dreams.


Cheick Gory


Brooklyn International High School

BIHS Seniors 2016-17

Brooklyn International High School, in New York City, is a public school for recent immigrants to the U.S.

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