Izreal R. Arkansas

Equality & Social Media

This letter is written to talk about the problems people of 2016 have on social media and how it is related to Equality.

Dear Future President, 

   Equality in the United States has recently become a big problem again, and it's not so much because we aren't all equal. Social Media makes small things a huge problem in the year 2016. Depending on your race, body type, gender, amount of money in your bank account, and how you personally choose to use it. Those are all things that you can be so easily judged upon and social media has a lot to do with it. If someone posted a picture on Facebook, Twitter, etc. , and the lighting made you look 'too' skinny or 'too' fat, most likely, someone would say something about it.  

   I've always been a big fan of social media, I'm not going to lie, but at the same time, I have not failed to realize just how bad it actually is. Many people will say that they are against many of the things that they see happening on social media, yet they will laugh when they see someone making unwanted jokes about someone else. In many cases, I personally have been one of these people, and I apologize for it. 

   As a biracial, young woman, living in the 21st century I see many sides of the American viewpoints. When it comes to racial equality, I feel like we, as a whole,  are most definitely getting better with befriending people, no matter what their backgrounds are.  When social media comes into the role, I realize that it is a way for people to get their opinion out and tell the world about a specific topic. But when many people nowadays trust just about anything that is said to them, it's hard to be on social media where the truth is stretched way out of proportion. 

   As future president of the United States, I do not expect you to completely ban social media, by no means. I just feel as if the people who are supposedly treated so badly, were treated to their full potential, there would be no problem whatsoever when it comes to the things that are being spread worldwide, across the internet. Yes, I believe that there are many perks to hearing the opinions of others on the internet and, yes I believe some of the topics that are spreading online are things that we Americans should know. Yet, I also feel as if there should be some type of stronger guidelines that prevented people from saying hurtful and unwanted comments to others. According to CDC there are about 4,400 suicides a year, that are caused by cyber bullying, and that is ridiculous! 

Thank You,

Izreal Roberson