colbs F Washington

Reducing/banning homework

Homework puts a unnecessary amount of stress on high school students and some schools are even banning it.

Dear Mr. or Mrs. President,

Studies say homework can be bad for your health. It is being banned in some schools and working excellently. my topic is on banning homework because for students it can cause high amounts of stress. Homework has more than doubled within the last 15 years. Most kids only have about 2.5 hours, or a tenth of their day left to be a kid and enjoy life. The way to fix this is to reduce homework and busy work, giving more information without all the unnecessary assignments.  

One reason I think it should be banned is because it reduces family time which students need in their day, it helps them relieve some of the stressors of school life. Also it will give them a break to do something fun with their family. A lot of student's parents don't know how to help them which just makes everything harder on the students and parents. In a study made by ConnectUS, a global issues blog, homework does not necessarily result in improvement in school.

I think schools should limit homework because students have a lot of stress without homework, it just adds more stress. If they fall behind it will make them not want to do any work. Because they have so much work and they have after school activities which are important to create a healthy social balance it can make them fall more behind. This would cause students be stuck in a loop of having bad grades, this causes apathy within the student becoming harder to escape the loop.

It is true that people say homework helps you. It does, but not as much as you may think. Parents need to care about their students mental health because all this stress is going to make the parents life harder. It affects the parents who are trying to figure out why their student is skipping school, not trying, or has reckless behavior. This is because of the stress that homework produces in the student's life. A study was found that not everyone has the same resources to help learn and do homework effectively according to “" . In reality reducing homework would greatly change the school system as a whole. Homework has been going on for such a long time it would be hard to conform to the idea of students having less homework.

Homework should be banned because a lot of teachers spend extra hours making homework for their classes which takes time away from grading assignments and helping kids after school how we could reduce it is by doing check ins with students stress levels or by how much homework they have in their other classes.

The homework load now is very bad because parents can't help their students, if parents can't help their students they’re going to have to get help from someone else like a tutor which some families may not be able to afford. so then without the help the student doesn't know how to do his homework and keeps trying to get help from parents but they won't be able to help.

Homework causes a lot a stress because it is very hard in high school juggling a social life and keeping up with tasks which can make students more likely to just blow off their assignments and hang out with friends or their stress levels could be so bad that they use drugs and alcohol to cope with their high amount of stress which can lead to more opportunities for stress. That is why I think homework should be reformed by making teachers understand how what they give their students affects their stress levels and ability to work.
