Kate Vermont

Gender Wage Pay Gap

The gender wage pay gap, isn't improving, what will you do to change this?


Dear Future President of The United States,

In the U.S. the pay gap between women and men is very large, and women are being payed much less. As a female, soon enough, I will be working, and I don’t want to be payed any less than I worked for. It isn’t fair at all that people get paid differently for the same job. It may seem like a small amount, hour by hour, but time will show that it has a huge affect on overall wealth between women and men.

I believe that every person is equal, and should be treated that way. The gender wage pay gap, needs the be stopped or at least improved. Many women are payed less then, men and some even get payed so little that they have to quit their job. On average, a woman makes 79 cents per every dollar that a man makes. Women and men should be payed the same amount of money for the same amount of work.

This is a major issue in the United States. Beyonce once said, "We need to stop buying into the myth about gender equality. It isn't a reality yet,.” and what she says is true. Studies by the American Association of University Women, show that nothing has been improved since 2009, and more and more women are being paid less and some even un-employing.

Laws have been made, but they don’t apply to jobs that don’t publicly show their payments. If people were to look further into payments, the gap would most likely get smaller. It is even worse for women of color, because they are being paid even less than white women. In a president, we want someone who treats everyone as an equal no matter gender, race, wealth, etc. The future president could show us that they have these qualities by do something to help close this gap.

In conclusion, I think that our future president needs to take a stand on the issue of the gender wage pay gap.


Kate Sleeper

Shelburne Community School


Winton is a 6-8 grade middle school team at Shelburne Community School in Shelburne, Vermont.

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