trey b. Louisiana

Dear future president

Gun control and taxes are a very big issue in the united states. There is people that doesnt need guns and people that does. Then there is people that cannot afford to taxes raised.

  I think that gun control is a huge thing in the united states.There is people that does not need guns in their possesion. Then there is people that it doesnt matter if they have guns. There is people that rely on their guns to get food to live. There is people that has guns for no complete reason at all. Guns are a huge part of the south.

  I think if anything taxes should be lowered not raised. Because the middle class cannot afford higher taxes at all. We need it lowered alot ton help out our bills and debt. Hillary says she wants to raise the taxes a whole lot. Then trump says he is gonna lower taxes a whole lot. So that is what everybody wants is the taxes a whole lot. That is what i think about about the deal with taxes.

  Now to conclude the two topics about gun control and taxes. That is something that really needs to be done in the united states. There is people that use guns for the completly wrong thing. Then there is people that cannot afford to have their taxes raised. Every body wants their taxes to be lowered.

                                                                                                                                         Sincerily Trey Buckles