Veronica D. Texas

Decrease Homework Load

Dear next president, I am writing to you so you can decrease homework. There is too much homework. Homework puts too much stress and can cause anxiety, also lack of sleep. The definition of home work is “schoolwork that a student is required to do at home”. A researcher from Health line said that The American Journal of Family Therapy, did a survey.They surveyed more than 1,100 parents in Rhode Island with school-age children. First graders were supposed to do 10 minutes per night ,but research found that first graders and second graders are receiving 28 and 29 minutes of homework per night. Another researcher from CNN said that kids in high school should be doing no more than two hours a day.In middle school should not do more than 90 minutes a day ( I do more then two hours a day also.) CNN also said, "We found a clear connection between the students' stress and physical impacts -- migraines, ulcers and other stomach problems, sleep deprivation and exhaustion, and weight loss," Pope observed. A lot of homework isn't very good for students,because it makes them very stressed. I don't think we should get rid of homework, but I think there should be a certain limit because what we have right now is too much. Sincerely, Veronica D.