Karime C. Texas

Single Parents Struggling

A look at how single parents struggle to provide for their families in America.

Dear Future President,

 Over 20 million children are living with only one parent...and I am one of them. All races are affected by single parent families, but minorities suffer the most. As of 2001, 53% of  African American children live in single parent homes. In America three out of 10 Hispanic children live in single parent homes. My family is  Hispanic and we live with one parent, our mom. Everyday she faces many problems either economical or social. In the year 2002, 57% of single parent families were considered low- income. Sadly we are part of that 57%. Many of these families struggle with food hardships, 54% to be exact. Welfare and (or) food stamps don't cover the cost for all the necessary items needed. With having to pay rent or even looking for a job it is hard provide the necessary amount of food needed for the household. Even with food stamps you still don't get enough money for a month. Welfare is just the same or worse. Welfare and food stamps are determined on how many people live in your family, how much your individual income is, and how much your household income is.

 Other problems also occur such as, housing problems. 35% of families had this issue. Because of low income these families end up in poor neighborhoods. These neighborhoods could expose children to drugs, alcohol, violence and poor role models. this problem with housing makes children more prone to bad grades on school standardized test. this could cause them to have a very dim future. The kids are more likely to drop out of school and become drug addicts, criminals, or alcoholics. This could also result in becoming teen parents. In 1998 a study was done to see how much single parent families there were in different countries. in America there was 34%, Canada had 22%, Australia had 20%, and Denmark had 19%. Most of these single parent families are headed by women. In America alone 84% of single parent families are headed by women. Most of these families occur due to becoming a widow, divorce or even never getting married. Divorce was the highest contributor to single parent families with the amount of 58%. 

I am not saying that being in a single parent home is always going to turn out bad, but some people aren't as fortunate as I am. being in a single parent home teaches you to be independent, and strive for more in life. You become more determined. I have been very fortunate to a wonderful woman in my life that I call mom.  

In conclusion america has a very big problem with the benefits not given to many single parent homes. Without the help that they need many children suffer and will continue suffering if something is not done today. New benefits and opportunities need to be made to help this families in need. Some day this problem will be resolved, but I hope it starts with you.

Sincerely, Karime C.  


Galena Park High School

English II

English II students write about their concerns for the upcoming election.

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