Daniela A. Illinois

The Cost Of Our Future Should Decrease

The cost of college tuition is extremely expensive. The future president should work on dropping the cost. It's getting more difficult for people to enroll themselves in college and universities.

Dear Future President of the United States,

College costs have been rising over the past years. We go to school for 14 years. We do so for really one main reason, it’s to graduate. What are we supposed to do once we graduate? Easy, enroll ourselves into college right? That’s what a majority of high school graduates do, although there is a part of these high school graduates that want to but can’t because of the cost. I find it unfair how many of us want to but can’t. America should be able to give you an inexpensive future.

The reason some of us can’t afford college is because the tuition has dramatically increased in the past years. In 1970, the average yearly tuition was $358 and for public four year institutions it was $1,561. In 2010, the average tuition for public was $6,695 and for private four-year colleges and universities it was $21,908. Public colleges should drop their tuition costs. The average tuition and fees for a public two year college enrollment for in-district students is $3,440, a public four year college enrollment for in-state students is $9,410, a public four year college enrollment for out-of-state students is $23,890, and the cost for a private four year college enrollment is $32,410. The next president to step into office should make college possible for anyone to go. If this were to happen, the number of unemployment rates will go down throughout the years. Americans owe an estimated $1.4 trillion in student debt. I personally believe that college debt should be free. Students that aren’t rich but that also don’t qualify for financial aid are the ones that are most affected by the cost. They have to limit their college options causing them to also limit their options later in life.

It’s unbelievable that the cost for a career is so high. Every family who makes less than $125,000 yearly should have free tuition. This is the area that needs the most aid. It’s unlikely that a person in a household that makes $125,000 or less will actually attend college, this is where America could use help with. The future president should also work on paying off the student debts. Nobody likes owing a load of money. It’s difficult for someone who owes student debt to pay it off. It does take a while and the president should work on getting rid of it. 

