Keegan T. Montana


Difference is a thing that we should embrace, not reject.

Dear Mr./Mrs. President

      Difference. It is a thing that exists in our world. It will never go away. That's not a bad thing. Difference is what makes us human. It's what separates us from the rest, but everyone thinks that's bad. Everyone wants to fit in, to be in a group, to belong somewhere, but it doesn't matter. None of that matters. We don't need to belong somewhere. The only place you belong is within yourself. People call each other fat, stupid, ugly, pretty, nice, boring, all of the above. It doesn't really matter. None of it is fact. It is all opinion based. This is why bullying is so common. People think they have to be absolutely perfect. When someone calls them out on something they did wrong, they flip out. They get upset. All of it is pointless. Some people are born "different". They can't do anything about it. They should except who they are. Now everyone is using gay as an insult. Who are you to tell a person who they can or cannot love! It's there choice as a human being. Throughout history people have killed, enslaved, and murdered because somebody or some group of people were different. The whole Civil War was the result of this. The point I'm trying to make is that nothing anyone says or thinks about you matters one single, little, tiny bit. President, I don't think you can fix this. At least not all the way. There is always going to be someone out there. Play with the school system and try to fix this cluster of a mess. Do whatever it is that you can do. (They don't really tell us what you do in school, so I can't exactly give you any recommendations.) Do what you need to do to make the United States of America a fantastic place to live. Thank you for taking some time to read this.

Sincerely, Keegan M. 

Billings MT