Alex J. Illinois

Racial Inequality

People are dying every day just because of the color of their skin. The United States is better than this; it has to stop.

Dear president of The United States of America,

The whole entire world is judging people based on their color of their skin. White, black, purple, any color they are. People are dying because of the color of their skin. People are killing other people just because they are one color or just because they are another color.

It is so messed up that people are dying because of their color of their skin. Racial inequality is the worst it has ever been. Some people are scared to go to school because they are a certain color. Some kids are not even able to go to school because when they walk to school the police will pull them over because they are a certain color. I know this because ¨Over 10 trials, they averaged 3.63 errors when the suspect was black, but only 2.65 errors when the suspect was white.¨ This quote from Atlanta BlackStar is saying that the police took 20 trials and they treated one color differently than another color. Maybe if they were all white it would only be 2.65 errors instead of a total of 6.28.

Another horrible thing about racial inequality is that some families that are one color aren't getting paid as much as another color. We should not be paying people extra money based on their color. I know that one color get paid more than another one because according to in 2014 the wage gap between a white family and a african american family is $28,000. It is not right that a random white family makes $28,000 more than another family that is a different color.

Even during a day to day basis it shows inequality. If they are in a restaurant or a store and even when they are in court. African americans feel like they are treated differently at all of those places. I know this because in a graph from it says, 64% of african americans feel like they are treated differently than white. This is not good because people are just trying to go to work and get money for their family but it is not working because they are being treated differently than other colors.

All of this info is just a piece of a whole pie. There are so many more reason why racial inequality is at its peak. People are dying, not earning enough money, and not being treated fairly just because of the color of their skin. People are still walking around with confederate flags in parts of the U.S. We really need to fix this before even more people die.


Alex J