Julian L. Texas

Global warming

Global warming is issue that effects us, animals, and the environment. We are the ones who started global warming so we must the be the ones to end it.

Dear future president,

2.3 billion tons of carbon is emitted in the air as of 2016. This is due too the use of oil and gas with contributes to about 60% of the air . The latest EPA Greenhouse gas inventory shows that , in 2016, 1,925 million metric tons of greenhouse gases was coming from US alone. It causes sea levels to rise,droughts, and declining water supply . According to new York times ,if you ever wanted to visit any place off any coast regions  you might want to do it sometime before the next 50 years because the rising sea levels will submerge most of the places. We are the ones who put our selves in this position so we have to get our self out of it. We can do several things to reduce the effects like reduce fossil fuel use,use more renewable resources , and plant more trees. So what are you waiting for, go out and make a change for OUR world.

Galena Park High School

English II

English II students write about their concerns for the upcoming election.

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